Being an active member at the RoboticsClub as an undergraduate student I got heavily involved in the world of robotics. In this club, we design and program small robots. To be more specific during my second year in this club we moved to a more advanced robot named Thiseas. With this robot, we participated in Maze Solving competitions(Micromouse).
During the development of this project (micro mouse), I realized that to have a fully functional robot a lot of testing and repetition needs to be done in different scenarios, which is time-consuming and sometimes impossible.
To be able to easily debug, visualize and tune our robot I developed, as a side project, a simulator. This Simulator was specifically design and compatible with our robot(Thiseas). The Simulator was developed in java, visualization of information (see figures below), communication via Bluetooth, or executing and simulating the code at the local machine are some of its possibilities.
In more detail about the simulator capabilities:
Some basic information that the Simulator is displaying are :
Fig. 1 Thiseas Robot
As the system was becoming more complex the displayed information and the generation of fake data got enchanced with additional :
Fig. 1 Thiseas Robot
Another advantage/capabilty was the ability to compile single parts of the code and execute/test the fuctionality only of that part. For example at the figure below we test the Floodfill algorithm (maze exploration). After the execution we can see the frequency of visited cells, the final path, or how much of the maze was explored. Different alforithms Floodfill, wallFollow, or different starting position and heading, and most importanly different mazes could be tested with the press of a button ensuring the correct behaviour of the developed code in different scenarios.
Fig. 1 Thiseas Robot
In this figure we see the GUI for tunning our robot. Since PID tunning requires a lot of trys a special GUI was created where we can select and display different data(error,ref, etc) at plots and also change the gains of the controllers.
Prior to Simulation if I would like to tune the robot I would have to plug it at my Computer set the new gains, attach the battery and repeat the testing. After the simulation first and most important we can display the results in a graph giving us a better understanding. Additionaly we could rapidly change the gains of the controllers and with the push of a button repoeat the test, transforming the whole experience of a time consuming task to something more "fun" and intresting.
Fig. 1 Thiseas Robot Plots & Tune