In this project, I wrote a software that plans a trajectory for the end-effector of the YouBot mobile manipulator, The goal is to pick a small box from a known location and place it on a specific position & orientation.
The YouBot is an omnidirectional mobile robot with a 5-DOF robotic arm, simulated in CoppeliaSim simulation software. The project is split into 3 main parts:
Generate trajectory
In order to generate the reference trajectory for the end-effector frame I used six concatenated trajectory segments, as described above.
Fig. 1 end-effector trajectory
The Next State part is basically our update function going from time t to t + Δt using the first-order Euler step.
Fig. 2 omnidirectional wheels of YouBot
Fig. 3 chassis velocity
Feedforward PI control
Our controler is described by equation at figure 4, we used only Position and Integration. At figure 5 we see the error of the end-effector and chassis relative to time.
Fig. 4 control equestion
Fig. 5 controler error
Below we see some examples of YouBot in Coppelia Simulator.
Fig. 6 Example omnidirectional wheels movement
Fig. 7 Final example pick and place box